Come see us for pain relief, stress and anxiety relief, fertility and hormone balance
Stress frequently accompanies aches and pain in the body . Your acupuncturist can help you understand what causes the problem and how to reduce anxiety and stress better. Using small sterile acupuncture needles, acupuncturists unblock areas of stagnation and blocked qi flow. This relatively painless, relaxing treatment benefits the body and mind. Many acupuncturists also incorporate massage such as gua sha and cupping to restore balance further, reduce tight muscles and trigger points.
Orthopedic acupuncture is a specialized form of acupuncture that focuses on the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions using motor points and trigger points. It is very similar to what people know as "dry needling". It is a holistic approach that combines traditional acupuncture techniques with modern medical knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. The goal of orthopedic acupuncture is to reduce pain, improve mobility, and promote healing by stimulating the body's natural healing mechanisms.
One of the main benefits of orthopedic acupuncture is that it can provide effective pain relief without the need for drugs or surgery. It can be particularly useful for chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and back pain. It can also be used to treat acute injuries such as sprains, strains, and fractures.
Treatments typically include posture assessment, strength testing, dry needling, as well as traditional acupuncture points, and as appropriate: microcurrent, cupping, gua sha, and myofascial techniques or hands-on modalities. If you are not concurrently under the care of a physical therapist, exercises will be assigned by your orthopedic acupuncturist.
Progress is assessed through the patient's comfort and abilities, but also through improved strength, coordination, and range of motion or flexibility.
Your orthopedic acupuncturist also strives to improve the key gateways to healing: sleep and mood. The patient's emotional well being as well as ability to rest is continually examined because Chinese Medicine treats the whole person.
Acupuncture is an enjoyable, beneficial treatment that has helped millions worldwide reduce stress and pain. Call a licensed acupuncturist today to get the help you deserve. For more information, contact us today at Blue Lotus Acupuncture to schedule an appointment with an acupuncture specialist Palm Desert residents recommend.
Acupuncture is becoming more and more popular but still many people are very curious about how it works and what it is doing for the body. Click below to read our ACU FAQ page.
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